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ATS Quality Manager - Medium Case

Walkthrough in ATS Quality Manager
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1. Overview
On the overview image (A) you can see that there are mostly green scans in this project which is good, but there are still some yellow so it could be better. There is only one scan which is red, and it would be good if we could get it better than that. The average distance error of 1.5 mm is really good.

Hovering over the pie chart indicates number of quadrants occupied being the biggest problem. This is unfortunately often not very easy to do anything about. The point drift indicated as second most common error should be possible to handle though.

(A) Summary

2. Scans
The red scan is a good starting point. Looking at it (B) we see that the red values come from a bad reference distribution. Fortunately though it looks like the inclinometer wasn't used in this scan, so an easy solution to the problem is to activate it. This will not make the scan green, but will at least bring it up from red to yellow. The inclinometer error is a bit higher than of other scans in the group, but it's still well within the limits of good quality (had we used ATS Detail for the quality level it would have been closer, but still within the good limit).

Looking at Lwwtw130 (C) instead we see Point drift being the largest problem. It's a bit over the limit for a good value, but by removing one of the references we might be able to get it green. Although this risks putting us in yellow due to a bad distribution instead. However we have 4 references for this scan but only 3 distinct references, which means that one is too close to another one to be of much use anyway (we can also see this in the reference distribution graphic). Jumping to the 3D view (D) (by clicking the "3D View" button) we can see that the two references that are close to each other are 133 and S2012. 133 has the largest error (2.3 mm) so removing this would probably improve the overall quality without reducing the amount of distinct references, win-win.

If we after this still have a too high point drift we could also "cheat" and modify the upper limit for point drift (Settings > Quality Thresholds...). This quality value is known to be a bit too restrictive. A change to accomodate the point drift of Lwwtw130 would probably not be a major problem and this would result in our scan now becoming green. But of course it's better if it can be avoided by some other means.

Scan Info
(B) Scan Info
Scan Info
(C) Scan Info

3. References
We see that there are a lot of references known by more than one name (a "+" sign after the reference name). If we look at the overview image (A) we can see that 19 references has multiple names. This could normally be a problem, but in this case we have a tunnel scan where the position of each scan has been surveyed. Therefore those references will always have two names; the name of the survey point and the name of the scan which was made on that point. This is natural for SCENE and is no cause for concern. Reference 113 (E) is a good example showing that it's the same as Scan Lwwtw113.

An interesting thing we find if we go through all the references with more than one name is that reference 120 is known by scan Lwwtw123 as 119. This is clearly something that isn't quite right. Looking at the General tab for some reference objects in SCENE we see that they all seem to be set to the second alternative (Use for Place Scans and Correspondance Search). This means their names won't be updated to what they are matched against, which give us problems like this. It's recommended to always use the topmost alternative (Use for Place Scans, Correspondance Search and Automatic Name).

Reference Info
(D) Reference Info
Reference Info
(E) Reference Info

4. PDF Reports
Nothing special shows up in the pdf reports, we see what we already know from the program.

PDF: Compact Report
PDF: Full Report
Demo File: FARO Scene Workspace

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